To assemble good poetry and present it freely to surfers
To give opportunity for poets to communicate with each other through E-mail
To create a great place for poetry in the net
These are the goals of this site.
If you have written a good poem submit it at the bottom of the page
refer to the following details:
- Category - It is sometimes hard to define the subject of a poem, but
in order to maintain good order and enable people to somehow choose the nature of the poem they want to send (or read) some categories have been chosen. You should choose among the existing categories. specify in your submission the category you believe your poem belongs to. the following categories have been decided upon:
- Nature- obviously, any poem dealing mainly with nature.
- Love and sexuality - any poem dealing mainly with these topics, whether heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual
- Politics - any poem with a main political subject.
- Faith - any poem dealing with faith and religion.
Poems, of course, tend to echo different ideas and may refer at once to
all of these categories. But nevertheless we would like you to define specificaly the category under which your poem should be put, for the ease
of users.
- E-mail - specify if you would like to publicize your E-mail. If you do
we will add it underneath your poem, thus other people intersted in poetry
will be able to contact you and even give their personal oppinion of your poem.
- The poem - Should be in english. You may send as many poems as you like, but it is better to choose a few of your best. we will check them out and inform you if we shall put them in our site. Taste is something problematic, but we will try to do our best. Vulgar language is, of course, allowed. Poetry does not restrict itself to beautiful words.
If you wish to read some poetry just choose from the categories below and GO!
Submit poems here
our E-mail is:[email protected]

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